I know I’ve been absent, but…

Now I have my computer back! Yes! πŸ™‚

I have many mani photos to upload and show you all! Bare with me, though..there are quite a few! πŸ˜‰

Shall be posting here soon!

Watch this space! πŸ˜‰

Not so loud, but pretty! ^_^

Another mani…
This one is Sally Hansens’ “Ring my shell”, a delicate light silvery pink with slight greenish flash. It took around 4 coats to become opaque to avoid the dreaded VNL (visible nail line..)

A close up. I actually have a Covergirl top coat on called Crystal mist- a clear top coat with teeny opalescent discs.

I got bored after 2 days and decided to add my own creation on top. This is 50/50 SH Blue lagoon and clear top coat with some Nicole by OPI’s “gone wishin”.

The dark side..

Another mani I did a few weeks ago…this one features GOSH’s Purple heart; a blackened purple/green duochrome. The duochrome is a rather subtle effect…this took many many photos to capture the sublte green.

Blue blue blue!

Here is an older mani done with Sally Hansens’ “Ocean View’ (a lovely greyish blue frost) topped off with Nicole by OPIs’ ‘Winter Glitterland’ (little discs of holographic goodness in a clear jelly filled with teeny holo glitter.

Sally Hansen sparklies..

This is a mani I did a couple of weeks ago. After finding the Hidden treasure, I actually applied it on in the store! πŸ˜€

This is Sally Hansens’ Twisted pink (a bright flat pink with fine gold shimmer) with Hidden Treasure over the top.

Taken in natural sunlight.

I promise nicer looking manis in the future…and some crazy ones, too!

Happy painting, everyone!

Welcome :)

Hello and welcome to The Lacquered Cherry!

Getting started here has been a little slow, I have to admit..but never fear! Β There are weekly/bi weekly manis and pedis to come.

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June 2024